Hazard Pay? Completion bonus? Scope of Work? Insurance?

Diamond Law Practice, PLLC is knowledgable in interpreting your written contract for employment overseas. Fully understanding the range of benefits available to you prior to the commencement of your overseas employment will be critical to you and your family's future financial well being.

Why should I consult an attorney prior to commencing employment overseas at a U.S. military base?

Be in control. Plan for the best, but prepare for the worst. Employment at an overseas military base poses its own unique set of risks and rewards. Understanding and preparing for the risks involved with working overseas is a mission-critical service Diamond Law Practice, PLLC can offer you and your family. 

Diamond Law Practice, PLLC can provide pre-deployment consultation on all of your work-related, and nonwork-related concerns such as estate planning and the tax consequences of your Defense Base Act employment. Potential issues that you and your family should address prior to deploying overseas include:

  • Establishing joint bank accounts accessible to your dependents to provide monetary support on a continuous basis;
  • Notifying your creditor's of your employment status and ensuring payment of mortgages and student loans while overseas;
  • Executing a Power of Attorney to ensure that your family can manage important matters in your absence;
  • Obtaining additional copies of your birth certificate, marriage certificate and other important documents;
  • Preparing and executing a Last Will and Testament;
  • Executing a Medical Power of Attorney and Living Will;
  • Ensuring compliance with any and all civil or criminal actions pending; and
  • Understanding deployment immunizations and immigration issues.

Please contact us now to discuss all pre-deployment concerns.